Sunday, 21 August 2011


Is money “the” motivator for success?

Remember studying the Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation? It talks about hygiene factors and motivators. Money is just a hygiene factor. You need some of it but beyond that “some” (playing with the word sum here), the satisfaction it gives is at a diminishing rate. So, what are the motivators? What increases satisfaction at an increasing rate? The answer: respect and self-esteem

How do you avoid doing wrong?

The solution is to avoid the “marginal cost” analysis. The primary reason for doing wrong is that the marginal cost of it, the cost of “just this one time”, is very low. So the marginal cost of driving drunk can be understood through the following equation:

Cost = Probability of Occurrence * Monetary or any other cost

Note that the probability of occurrence will keep reducing after each experience of drunken driving and getting away with it. And with it your propensity to act. Remember, it is easier to be 100% committed to your principals than being 98% committed to them. You do it once; you will do it again and again.

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