Sunday, 1 January 2012

The Best Friend

The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship, said the famous English poet/painter, William Blake.

But in today’s age of Web 2.0, perhaps some of the social networking sites are our best friends. So let’s personify these websites as friends.

Facebook: ‘The gossip’. Gossip is idle talk or rumor about the personal or private affairs of others.
Mark Zuckerberg's creation is the quintessential "Did you hear" guy. Happy, fun, but sometimes, too intrusive and misleading.

Google: ‘Mr. Know-all’. He is the encyclopaedia, the guy who knows everything. He is the typical “Research has shown” guy. Educative, informative, but, boring (although Google has shed that image through its doodles and Google plus).

LinkedIn: ‘Mr. Formal’. A friend, who calls you only when in need, and you reciprocate the favour. He is the “So, how is work” guy, only concerned about your career. All work and no play makes LinkedIn a dull boy. But then, he is essential for the growth of your career.

Twitter: ‘The Big Shot’. This guy knows the Who’s Who of the web world. He tells you all that is going on in their lives. He is the “You know, Megan Fox* just...” guy. Well connected, quick at spreading news, but, comes out with a lot of c**p, too.

So who is your best friend? Vote now (through your comments)!

And oh, Happy 2012!

*Megan Fox’s name was used for grabbing your attention, of course